Heavy-duty Air Suspension


In addition to its excellent durability, ULTIMAAX® delivers enhanced stability, handling and ride quality even in the most severe-duty environments where vehicles encounter harsh and unexpected ground conditions. The integration of Hendrickson's proven walking (equalizing) beam technology, with its patented progressive rate spring, provides a balance of loaded stability and unloaded ride quality even in the most rugged environments.


Model UMX460SD UMX520 UMX600 UMX700
Suspension Rating (lbs.) 46,000 52,000 60,000 70,000
GVW Approval1 Contact vehicle OEM2 Contact vehicle OEM2 Contact vehicle OEM2 Contact vehicle OEM2
GCV Approval Contact vehicle OEM2 Contact vehicle OEM2 Contact vehicle OEM2
Site Travel Rating3 (lbs.) 60,000 65,000 75,000 85,000
Diagonal Articulation4(in.) 17.5 17.5 17.5 17.5
Lift Axles Approved Approved Approved Approved
Ride Heights (in.) 9.5 to 13 9.5 to 13 9.5 to 13 12+
Axle Spacing (in.)5 52, 54, 56, 60 52, 54, 56, 60 54, 56, 60 56, 60

Hendrickson appoves the use of ULTIMAAX® in military vocational truck applications. All such applications must comply with applicable Hendrickson specifications and must also be approved by the respective vehicle manufacturer
with the vehicle in its original, as-built configuration. Contact Hendrickson and the respective vehicle manufacturer for approval of additional applications.
1. Contact Hendrickson for applications that may exceed GVW approval ratings.
2. Suspension must be paired with appropriate axle rating.
3. Site travel rating – operators using vehicles equipped with liftable pusher or tag axles must not exceed published ratings. Ratings are limited to no more than
five percent of vehicle operation at speed not to exceed five mph. Liftable pusher or tag axles should only be raised (or unloaded) to improve vehicle maneuverability
in off-road use or when vehicle is empty. Site travel ratings are consistent with published axle manufacturer’s limitations. Axle and suspension site travel
specifications must not be exceeded.
4. Suspension articulation may exceed vehicle’s capability and may be limited by vehicle manufacturer; vehicle manufacturer installed axle stops may restrict
suspension’s articulation.
5. Contact Hendrickson for availability of additional beam lengths.
For additional details regarding specifications, applications, capacities, operating service and maintenance instructions, refer to applicable Hendrickson
technical literature (available at www.hendrickson-intl.com) or contact Hendrickson at 630-910-2800.
Actual product performance may vary depending upon vehicle configuration, operation, service and other factors.
U.S. and foreign patents granted and / or pending.

Features & Benefits


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H Defense is a leading manufacturer and supplier of premium defense suspension components to global markets.

Our legacy embodies over 80 years as the leading innovator and manufacturer of suspension systems and components for the global heavy-duty vehicle industry.

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Hendrickson Defense
800 South Frontage Road
Woodridge, IL 60517