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Customer Survey

1. Please rate your experience in delivery of aftermarket service parts.:

2. How often do you experience delays in receiving service parts from Hendrickson Auxiliary? :

3. If experiencing delays, indicate how long delivery is typically delayed. :

4. Please rate the accuracy of your service parts orders in the past year.:

5. Please rate your experience in receiving pricing or quotation information from Hendrickson Auxiliary Customer Service.:

6. When calling Hendrickson Auxiliary’s Technical Support, how long do you wait on average to speak with a representative?:

7. Rate your experience with Hendrickson Auxiliary’s Technical Support.:

8. When submitting a specification guide for a new part number, how long does it take to receive a response from Technical Support?:

9. Rate the overall level of product satisfaction you have experienced with Hendrickson Auxiliary products. (1 most satisfied, 5 least satisfied):

Air Control Systems (Product satisfaction) 1 most satisfied, 5 least satisfied:

Air Springs - Lift and ride (Product satisfaction) 1 most satisfied, 5 least satisfied:

Air Disc Brakes (Product satisfaction) 1 most satisfied, 5 least satisfied:

Tie Rods (Product satisfaction) 1 most satisfied, 5 least satisfied:

V-Rods (Product satisfaction) 1 most satisfied, 5 least satisfied:

12. On average, how often do you service your Hendrickson products?:

13. In your opinion, which area could Hendrickson Auxiliary Axle Systems most improve? Select all that apply.:

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